DV's Frames

I got tired of paying exorbitant prices to frame my own art, so I asked the owner of a high-end art gallery if he would teach me the business of picture framing. I apprenticed for several weekends and learned the craft of measuring and cutting matboards, picking out moulding, cutting, assembling, and finishing the frames. I still enjoy framing immensely, but only work on the weekends. I can usually have your finished product in two weeks but am able to finish rush jobs sooner. DV's Frames has been around for over 20 years and has created hundreds of matted, framed, works of art at a fraction of the price you'd pay at a retail frame shop or fine art gallery. I live and work in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and do not offer shipping. I am willing to pick up and deliver locally. I not only custom mat and frame prints, lithographs, photos, cards, oils, pictures, posters, diplomas, jerseys, magazines, hats, I also can re-frame your favorite work or replace broken glass. If you have any questions or would like a free estimate, please call or text 909-368-4780. E-mail me at derrikv@earthlink.net